St. Cuthbert (Greater God) aka St. Cuthbert of the cudgel.
The god of retribution, St. Cuthbert (saint cuhth-burt), is Lawful Neutral. He exacts revenge and just punishment on those who transgress the law. Because evil creatures more commonly and flagrantly violate laws than good creatures do, St. Cuthbert favours good over evil, though he is not good himself (His clerics cannot be evil.)

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Revenge, just punishment on those who transgress the law.
Destruction, Law, Protection, Strength.
Favoured Weapon:

Symbol: Two concentric rings joined by a cross.

-- PeterShea - 11 Feb 2011

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jpgjpg StCuthbert.jpg manage 14.7 K 11 Feb 2011 - 19:29 PeterShea  
Topic revision: r2 - 18 Feb 2011 - 21:45:18 - PeterShea
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