Slaad, Mud (Medium outsider)
Fiendish creature from another dimension which looks somewhat like a monstrous frog. Almost the size of an adult human, its eyes glow faintly red, and its slimy skin is predominantly green and brown, which contributes to its impressive ability to hide. It has nasty teeth and claws, and an ear-splitting shriek which causes massive sonic damage. It has the supernatural ability to summon more of its kind from somewhere else. Other powers are not known.
mud slaad

-- PeterShea - 28 Nov 2010

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I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
jpgjpg slaadmud.jpg manage 79.7 K 28 Nov 2010 - 22:59 PeterShea Mud Slaad
Topic revision: r3 - 18 Feb 2011 - 22:42:51 - PeterShea
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