
Table of contents and cross-reference management.

This plugin adds powerful support for generation and maintenance of tables of contents and cross-references within a TWiki web. Originally developed for use by Motorola documentation teams.

Syntax Rules

Adds a number of new tags:

  • %SECTIONn% - inserts an anchored section header
  • %CONTENTS% - generates a table of contents for a topic or an entire web, with full expansion depth control
  • %REF% - inserts a symbolically named cross-reference URL
  • %ANCHOR% - inserts a symbolically named jump target

The TWiki.TocPluginHelp topic in the installation contains complete help information.

TocPlugin Settings

  • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Sophisticated table of contents generation

  • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below). Contents:
    File: Description:
    data/TWiki/TocPlugin.txt Plugin topic
    data/TWiki/TocPluginHelp.txt Plugin help
    data/TWiki/WebOrder.txt Order topic for TWiki web
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/ Plugin Perl module
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/TocPlugin/ Library component
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/TocPlugin/ Library component
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/TocPlugin/ Library component
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/TocPlugin/ Library component
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/TocPlugin/ Library component
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/TocPlugin/ Library component
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/TocPlugin/ Test code
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/TocPlugin/build.xml Ant build file
  • Unzip in your twiki installation directory.
  • (Dakar) Visit configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
  • If you see a link here: %REF{topic=TocPluginHelp,type=Section,name=installation}% then installation was successful
  • Check the TocPluginHelp topic. You should see expanded section numbers.

Plugin Info

One Line Description: Table of contents and cross-reference management
Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Plugin Version: 1.0
Change History: 15 Sep 2001: Initial version
  23 Sep 2001: Directories restructured according to Plugin requirements, and turned into a zip file
  1 Oct 2001: Corrected directory naming (no thanks to WindowsME!)
  20 Apr 2006: Minor doc update, headings no longer marked up as anchor text (TWiki:Main.SteffenPoulsen)
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.0
Plugin Home:

Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins


This code is a development of the Architectures and Systems Platforms group of Motorola Inc. and is protected by the following copyrights:

  • Copyright (C) 2002 Motorola. All Rights Reserved.


As required for the publication of all extensions to TWiki, this software is published under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details, published at

Topic revision: r1 - 14 Sep 2006 - 18:45:56 - TWikiGuest
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