WikiwygContrib Package

WikiwygContrib bundles up WikiWyg wiki editor, and adds it to the options that you can use for Wysiwyg editing using the WysiwygPlugin. If you are using pattern skin (or any other skin thst uses COMPOSER), then when you set the COMPOSER variable to wikiwyg, the WYSIWYG edit button will use wikiwyg. Right now, it works only with FireFox? , but I'm looking into getting it working in InternetExplorer? etc.

This is a work in progress, using Wikiwyg version 0.12 , and it is not advisable to be used on topics that contain inline html.

Caveat: WikiwygContrib is designed for editing TWiki topics, not as a general purpose HTML editor. It will work fine on topics that contain text, TML formatting, and most HTML. However, because of the complexity of transforming TML into HTML and back, complex TML, and mixing HTML and TML may not give the results you expect. You are recommended to use the standard browser textarea editor for editing existing topics that contain mixed HTML and TML, or complex %TML%-type variables.


Settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, e.g. %WIKIWYGCONTRIB_STUB%

  • One line description:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Add Wikiwyg editor to Wysiwyg

  • Name of the perl package
    • Set STUB = TWiki::Contrib::WikiwygContrib

Installation Instructions

You do not need to install anything in the browser to use this extension. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the extension on the server where TWiki is running.

Like many other TWiki extensions, this module is shipped with a fully automatic installer script written using the BuildContrib.

  • If you have TWiki 4.2 or later, you can install from the configure interface (Go to Plugins->Find More Extensions)
  • If you have any problems, then you can still install manually from the command-line:
    1. Download one of the .zip or .tgz archives
    2. Unpack the archive in the root directory of your TWiki installation.
    3. Run the installer script ( perl <module>_installer )
    4. Run configure and enable the module, if it is a plugin.
    5. Repeat for any missing dependencies.
  • If you are still having problems, then instead of running the installer script:
    1. Make sure that the file permissions allow the webserver user to access all files.
    2. Check in any installed files that have existing ,v files in your existing install (take care not to lock the files when you check in)
    3. Manually edit LocalSite.cfg to set any configuration variables.

Do not forget to enable the WysiwygPlugin in configure or it won't work.

If you are using pattern skin:

  • To enable the editor in one of your skins, add the following link to the skin alongside or in place of the existing 'edit' link:
    <a href="%SCRIPTURLPATH%/edit%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%?skin=wikiwyg">Wikiwyg</a>
    As you can see this is just a standard edit link with the wikiwyg skin in place of the usual edit skin. Here it is for this topic: Wikiwyg. Try clicking on it, but do not save!

Contrib Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit - -
Copyright ©: 2006, and Copyright (c) 2005,2006 Socialtext Corporation
License: LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
TWiki::Plugins::WysiwygPlugin>=1.000Required. Download from TWiki:Plugins/WysiwygPlugin and install.
Version: 15571 (12 Dec 2008)
Change History:  
12119 Minor changes since Kupu and WysiwygPlugin got divorced
  Initial version

Related Topics: TWikiPreferences

Form definition 'PackageForm' not found
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
elseEXT AUTHORS manage 0.3 K 12 Dec 2008 - 21:27 TWikiAdminGroup Saved by install script
elseEXT COPYRIGHT manage 0.7 K 12 Dec 2008 - 21:27 TWikiAdminGroup Saved by install script
elseEXT Changes manage 0.2 K 12 Dec 2008 - 21:27 TWikiAdminGroup Saved by install script
elseEXT LICENSE manage 25.8 K 12 Dec 2008 - 21:27 TWikiAdminGroup Saved by install script
elseyml META.yml manage 0.3 K 12 Dec 2008 - 21:27 TWikiAdminGroup Saved by install script
elseEXT README manage 1.5 K 12 Dec 2008 - 21:27 TWikiAdminGroup Saved by install script
jsjs TWikitext.js manage 2.0 K 12 Dec 2008 - 21:27 TWikiAdminGroup Saved by install script
elsecss twikiwyg.css manage 0.7 K 12 Dec 2008 - 21:27 TWikiAdminGroup Saved by install script
pngpng wikiringlogo20x20.png manage 1.3 K 12 Dec 2008 - 21:27 TWikiAdminGroup Saved by install script
Topic revision: r2 - 12 Apr 2009 - 20:25:18 - TWikiAdminGroup
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