The following settings are web preferences of the DnD web. These preferences overwrite the site-level preferences in TWiki.TWikiPreferences and Main.TWikiPreferences, and can be overwritten by user preferences (your personal topic, eg: TWikiGuest in the Main web).
Users or groups who are not / are allowed to view / change / rename topics in the DnD web: (See TWikiAccessControl). Remove the # to enable any of these settings. Remember that an empty setting is a valid setting; setting DENYWEBVIEW to nothing means that anyone can view the web.
Preferences are used as TWikiVariables by enclosing the name in percent signs. Example:
When you write variable %WEBBGCOLOR% , it gets expanded to =#00FF33 =
The sequential order of the preference settings is significant. Define preferences that use other preferences first, i.e. set WEBCOPYRIGHT before WIKIWEBMASTER since %WEBCOPYRIGHT% uses the %WIKIWEBMASTER% variable.
You can introduce your own preferences variables and use them in your topics and templates.